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PHP Development

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is a server side open source scripting language. It is also used for general purpose programming and is extensively used for website development and website designing for interactive websites. The importance of PHP for modern web developers can be understood from the simple statistics. PHP is not only the most in-demand programming language but it is also more popular than other programming languages. Right now, about 82% of all the websites on internet have been created using PHP. PHP was designed specially for web application development. PHP has also been evolving consistently to meet the emerging trends in web application development. That’s why modern web developers prefer PHP for developing web applications. PHP code can be easily integrated with other scripting language like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Why to Choose PHP Development?

As PHP is an open source and less complicated programming language hence it helps developers to execute server side scripting, command line scripting and create PHP websites and web applications with ease. Although PHP is compatible with all leading operating systems but it works best with Linux. That’s why most of the web developers prefer PHP over other programming languages while developing open source solutions and use LAMP Stack for PHP development. LAMP stack comprises of Linux Operating System, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL and PHP.

    Let’s discuss some more reasons why web developers prefer PHP over other languages for developing web applications:-
  • PHP is an open source language without any subscription or license fee.
  • PHP is compatible with all leading operating Systems including Linux and Windows.
  • PHP offers faster load time and enhanced performance of websites built using it.
  • PHP offers support for all major web severs such as Aapche and IIS.
  • PHP offers greater flexibility than other technologies or languages like ASP, JSP, C, C++.
  • Large number of libraries and extensions are available for download for PHP.
  • PHP is secure against malicious attacks and hacking attempts.
  • PHP is flexible for database connectivity.
  • PHP has a huge support from developers community.

Why to Choose Jachoos for PHP Development?

Jachoos has delivered hundreds of web applications using PHP development services. It has ensured to provide its clients with highly responsive and advanced websites which fulfill their online business goals easily. Below are some of the reasons why to choose Jachoos for PHP Development:-

  • Hiring Jachoos will lead to reduction in IT expense of your organization with web application development using PHP and MySQL database on Linux server which will eventually increase ROI for your business.
  • Your business will get prominent visibility in the market with developing high performance web application using PHP and MySQL.
  • Highly Skilled workforce which has deep experience and knowledge of PHP and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) Platform.
  • Expertise and Experience of developing several project using open source technologies.
  • No extra or hidden cost involved.
  • Ideal Knowledge of PHP frameworks and their development.
  • Get Daily Work Status and Reports.
  • 24*7 Technical Support to our clients via Email, Phone and live chat.
  • Option to choose the PHP developers on hourly or full time bases which can save lots of time and money for you.

Jachoos has many years of experience in developing incredible web application based on Linux platform using PHP development. If you also want to get the benefits of PHP development then do contact Jachoos and discuss your project requirement. In short time, your dream website or web application will be ready to serve your business online and take your business to next level.

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